About Us

Company profile

Name JR West Miyajima Ferry Co., Ltd.
Location Miyajimaguchi, Hatsukaichi City, Hiroshima Prefecture
Capital One hundred million yen (100% invested by West Japan Railway Company)
Employees About 60
Invoice Registration Number T8240001028975


Mar. 1903
Ferry operations started by Sanyo Railway
Dec. 1906
Sanyo Railway acquired by Japanese Government Railways according to the Railway Nationalization Act
Apr. 1987
Ferry business taken over by West Japan Railway Company (JR West) in the wake of the division and privatization of Japanese National Railways (successor to Japanese Government Railways)
Feb. 2009
JR West Miyajima Ferry Co., Ltd. founded
Apr. 2009
The new company’s ferry operations started

Number of ferry services

53 round trips per day
Miyajimaguchi to Miyajima
(First ferry – 6:25AM, last ferry – 10:42PM) Miyajima- Miyajimaguchi
(First ferry – 5:45AM, last ferry – 10:14PM)

Outline of business results

FY2024 results
Sales 746 million yen
Transported passengers & cars
Passengers 5,175,000
Cars 48,400
※The ‘Total number of annual passengers’ above is the number of annual passengers between Miyajimaguchi Pier and Miyajima (automobiles included).

Safety Report

Report Developed to Ensure Transportation Safety (FY2020)
  1. (1) Basic safety principle
  2. (2) Basic safety policy
  3. (3) Key safety measures
  4. (4) Measures to ensure safety
  1. (5) Safety goals
  2. (6) Occurrence of accidents, etc.
  3. (7) Ferry inspection
  4. (8) Contact address

Accident Victim Support Program

Basic principles on support for accident victim, etc.
  1. (1) Basic accident victim support policy
  2. (2) Basic support measures for accident victims
  3. (3) Basic organizational structure for supporting accident victim


JR West Miyajima Ferry Co., Ltd.

739-0411 Hiroshima-ken, Hatsukaichi-shi, Miyajimaguchi 1-11-5 Tel: +81 (0) 829-56-2045 Fax: +81 (0) 829-56-2049
Inquiries answered 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., 7 days a week